Academy Admissions
Welcome to the Harris Academy Riverside admissions page.
Applying to the 6th form
You can find out about how to apply to the sixth form by clicking here.
Applying to the secondary academy for September 2025
The deadline for applications to year 7 for the academic year commencing September 2025 is 31st October 2024. Applications, should be made to the local authority. Please refer to the local authority if you wish to submit a late application or if you have a query about admissions.
Parents will receive confirmation of places from the local authority on 3rd March 2025.
If you receive notification that you have a place at Harris Academy Riverside, we will contact you with various information and to arrange to meet you.
If you are unsuccessful, unhappy and have grounds, you can appeal to the academy as below.
Information about the admissions process can be found on the local authority website by clicking here.
Information about important dates for admissions can be found on the local authority website by clicking here.
Forms and documents can be downloaded from the local authority website by clicking here. See below to download an appeals form.
If you are unsuccessful you may appeal; the deadline for appeals is detailed below.
Please note that the academy cannot negotiate the offer of places. The academy does not have any authority or influence over the offer of places outside the provisions of the published admissions arrangements in our oversubscriptions criteria which can be found in our admissions policy. The offer of places is co-ordinated by the local authority.
If you are unlucky and do not secure a place at the academy despite applying to the local authority for one, and feel that you have grounds, then you are entitled to appeal.
A parent or carer who wishes to appeal against the admissions decison should give notice that they intend to appeal by e mailing the academy at
Parents or carers appealing will then be asked to complete an appeals form and submit it to the academy with any supporting evidence or documents. The appeals form can be downloaded from this page (below) or the academy can provide one.
The deadline for appeals for the academic year commencing September 2025 is 4pm on 30th April 2025.
Appeals will be heard during June 2025.
Appeals are heard by a panel which is entirely independent of the local authority and the academy. The appeals panel should take into account your arguments, any arguments put forward by the academy and the academy's admissions policy and oversubscription criteria.
Decisions of the appeal panel are binding on all parties. Only one appeal is allowed per applicant.
In year admissions
If you would like to apply for a place at the academy for a child who is not at the usual age for admissions into year 7, or at any time during the academic year, you can do so. This is called an 'in year' application.
If an in year admission is unsuccessful, you can follow the same appeal process as detailed above. The academy has 30 days from the appeal to organise an appeal hearing.
All applications, inlcuding in year transfers must be made via Thurrock website.