Personal Development
Education is not just about Maths and Science!
At our academy we talk about four areas which make up the HARI education;
The traditional curriculum - students learn a broad range of academic and non academic subjects such as Maths, Science, English, Art and PE. With specific regard to personal development the timetabled traditional curriculum for all students includes Religious Education, Personal, social, health and economic education (PSHE), Relationships and sex education and Citizenship. Students will also learn about healthy lifestyles, public speaking and careers in timetabled lessons in key stage 3.
The pastoral curriculum - students develop outstanding habits of behaviour by learning to be self aware and to regulate their own behaviours.
The scholarship curriculum - students develop outstanding habits of learning by practising and refining their own methods of independent reading and study.
The wider curriculum - students enjoy opportunities which widen their experience, develop cultural capital, cultivate a sense of belonging and community and encourage personal development.
Personal development
There are many ways in which the academy promotes personal development. Personal development is promoted via all four curricula above. Below are just some of the specific areas of personal development the academy encourages.